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  • Writer's pictureLogen Griffin

New Teacher Interview: Mr. Becker

Coming into the new school year Seton Catholic has gained many new teachers. This week's new teacher is Mr. Becker. When asking Mr. Becker what brought him to Seton he said, "I have an engineering degree but I never felt quite pulled to industry. I was much more interested in R&D and academia--so I'm discerning grad school which involves writing and teaching. I have taught in the past and enjoyed it. So when the call came from multiple voices saying Seton needed help (and quick) I stepped up".

We asked what he hopes to bring to Seton and he said, "I hope that (1) I am able to evangelize for and magnify Christ in all that I do and speak. That should be true always, but especially here where there are no restraints on that project. (2) I hope that I excite students about the wonders of the natural world that we come to know through the scientific method and describe through mathematics. I want to prepare students for a life in the sciences (or math) that they might not otherwise have realized was possible for them".

When asked what his goal for this school year he said, "I want to generate some enthusiasm for the math and science by applying them like an engineer might. I don't want students to run away from them because they see them as 'too hard' or 'too boring'". His favorite thing about teaching at Seton so far is the small class sizes so he can get to know the students and figure out what they need to thrive as a student.

When getting asked about a funny story from this school year so far he said, "There are many I probably shouldn't tell you--hehe. One story that does come to mind as the funniest was during a code red drill. We had the lights turned off. We were all sitting in a corner underneath some desks. It was dead silent. And let's just say, someone baked an air biscuit that was like a stock sound effect. Everyone was dying laughing even the teacher". Mr. Becker has quite a few fun facts including he's met Stan Lee and said a few words to him, his middle name is Wolfgang (as in Mozart or Puck), and his uncle was in the Olympics for bobsledding. We are so thankful Mr. Becker came back to Seton after graduation here and is influencing the next generation.


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