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  • sophia20245

Arbor Day!

Arbor day is a day designated in April just for planting trees. J. Sterling Morton had an enthusiasm for trees. Once he became secretary of the Nebraska Territory, he further spread his message of the value of trees. On January 4, 1872, Morton first proposed a tree planting holiday to be called “Arbor Day” at a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture. Many other states also passed legislation to observe Arbor Day each year. By 1920, more than 45 states and territories were celebrating Arbor Day. And the tree planting tradition became prominent in schools across the nation in 1882, with school children learning about the importance of trees as well as receiving a tree to plant in their own yard.

Today, we celebrate Arbor Day in many different ways based on tradition. We always plant trees on this day, but now it has turned into a celebration of life. Some people plant the trees to help the environment but others in the name of loved ones who have passed. Places even hold town events to raise money to donate to the Arbor Day Foundation and turn it into an all day festival. These festivals hold games, 5Ks, crafts, oldest tree competitions, and silent raffles. Also, the most important part, paying money to plant a tree. As said by J. Sterling Morton, "The cultivation of trees is the cultivation of the good, the beautiful, and the ennobling in man."


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